At Future Building, we understand that navigating the Commercial EPC landscape can be challenging. To assist you, we’ve compiled a list of common industry abbreviations and keywords. If you’re looking for something specific that’s not listed here or have a suggestion for additions, please feel free to contact our team at 03333445504.

AHUAir Handling Unit
A device used to condition and circulate air as part of a HVAC system.

BERBuilding Emission Rate
The measure of a building’s CO2 emissions.

BRUKLBuilding Regulations United Kingdom Part L
Regulations that govern energy efficiency in buildings.

DEADomestic Energy Assessor
A qualified individual who conducts energy assessments for domestic properties.

DECDisplay Energy Certificate
A certificate that displays the actual energy usage of a building over a specific period.

Design Stage SBEM
SBEM calculations conducted before the construction of a new commercial building.

EPCEnergy Performance Certificate
A certificate that provides information about the energy efficiency of a building.

ESOSEnergy Savings Opportunity Scheme
A government scheme aimed at helping businesses identify energy efficiency improvements.

HMOHouse of Multiple Occupation
A property rented out by at least three people who are not from one household.

HVACHeating, Ventilation, and Air Conditioning
Systems used for regulating air temperature, humidity, and quality in buildings.

The process of uploading an EPC to the national register.

MEESMinimum Energy Efficiency Standards
Legislation requiring that commercial and domestic buildings achieve at least an E rating on their EPC before they can be leased.

NDEANon-Domestic Energy Assessor
A qualified individual who conducts energy assessments for commercial properties.

OC EPCOn Construction Energy Performance Certificate
The EPC generated after the construction of a new commercial property.

RdSAPReduced Data Standard Assessment Procedure
The methodology used for calculating Domestic or Residential EPCs.

RHIRenewable Heat Incentive
A government scheme that provided grants to households with heat-generating renewable technology. The scheme ended in 2022.

Renewable Technologies
Includes systems such as air/ground source heat pumps, solar water heating, and biomass boilers.

RRRecommendation Report
This report accompanies commercial EPCs and outlines recommendations for improving energy efficiency.

SAPStandard Assessment Procedure
The methodology for assessing the energy performance of residential buildings.

SBEMSimplified Building Energy Model
The methodology used for calculating Commercial EPCs.

Section 63
Scottish legislation requiring property owners of buildings over 1000m² to create a plan for improving energy performance and reducing greenhouse gas emissions.

TERTarget Emission Rate
The minimum allowable standard of energy performance for new properties.

A measure of heat transfer through building components like walls and windows.

If you need further clarification on any of these terms or have additional questions, don’t hesitate to reach out to us. We’re here to help you navigate the Commercial EPC maze!